Sunday, November 19, 2006

Major agreement in Italy between the Cooperative Confederations and the Trade Union Confederations on the SCE Directive and other topics

4/10/2006 News from CICOPA

On 28 September, the three Italian cooperative confederations (AGCI, Confcooperative and Legacoop) and the three trade union confederations (CGIL, CISL, UIL) signed a common opinion for the implementation of the European directive n. 72/2003, on the involvement of workers in the European cooperative society (which completes the European regulation on the statutes of this type of society) through a legislative decree, which is expected soon.

The agreement was signed at the Ministry of Labour, with the presence of Mr Barrafarano, head of the secretariat of Minister Damiano, and of Mr. Onelli, head of the legal department of the ministry.

Furthermore, at the same meeting, the three cooperative confederations and the three trade union confederations committed themselves to resume their negotiations on Law 142 of 2001 on the worker-member, and to enlarge their discussions also on the following topics: cooperative governance, the contribution of cooperatives to the economic development of the country, the supervision of the cooperative system, the correctness of the public procurement system to face social dumping, etc.


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